
Knitting animal lover, a place where I can talk about my endless number of knitting projects and go on and on about my cats, 2 dogs too!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

C is for circular

This is my first post for the ABC-along group. C is for circular, it's amazing how many circular needles I have collected and I've only beeen knitting for just over 2 months. Several needles are missing because they are loaded up with current projects. Currently I've got the Devon vest from Jo Sharp, picture from pattern in the next post, still going strong with my Manos block blanket, thanks to my friend Heidi I have started the "french market bag" which when felted should be great for a knitting tote (as if I need another), and I'm finishing the first sleeve for my fair isle sweater, the body is done and waiting to be attached. It's being knitted in yummy classic elite mohair yarn with delicious colors. My C post should have been my collection of Current projects. So much knitting and somewhere in there I'm suppose to start my socks on friday for the knitting olympics. AHHHH, think I've taken on too much? Must run now much knitting to do!!!!!!!!


  • At 8/2/06, Blogger sgeddes said…

    I like your C is for Circular!great idea. I'm looking forward to seeing your fair isle work.

  • At 8/2/06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    so glad you decided to join me in the french market tote! you would have been soooo jelous of mine when it was done!


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