
Knitting animal lover, a place where I can talk about my endless number of knitting projects and go on and on about my cats, 2 dogs too!

Friday, July 14, 2006

end of second sock syndrome?

This week I took a step up your sock class at my LYS and learn some pretty cool new sock tricks. We covered the magic loop, one sock on 1 circular (12") and 2 socks on 2 circulars. I was really hoping to like that technique so I could avoid the second sock syndrome but I did not quite get the concept. Mostly my problem was with the cast on. So I may have to be a princess and have someone at the yarn store cast on.

Other news is I avoided a near disaster with my entralac bag. Thank you Karen. It seems I forgot to do one of the rectangles on a previous tier but it turned out to be a easy fix, not a rip out!

My lace goes on debut Saturday night. Zach and I will be going to Little Italy in Baltimore for dinner with friends then off to Cirque du Soleil. I am so excited!

Next week is a HUGE sale at my LYS, the Coolest Customer Sale (of course it's me). We get a glass of lemonade and in the ice cube is our dicsount for that day. It could be anywhere ffrom 15-25% off. I am already making my list.

Raz was examining my almost finshed socks and had a few words of advice " Uh mom, I think you need another pedicure, nail polish looks a little dull, great sock though!"

Look at this delicous yarn..It's Claudia's handpainted sock yarn, colorway is carosuel. I'm planning on a pair of socks for my 5 year old neice. Yarn this good should ward off the dreaded second sock syndrome.


  • At 14/7/06, Blogger Shannan said…

    Your socks look great! I'm working on a pair in that colorway, too.

  • At 14/7/06, Blogger Larjmarj said…

    Cool socks, your daughter could be right about the pedicure though ;-)


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