
Knitting animal lover, a place where I can talk about my endless number of knitting projects and go on and on about my cats, 2 dogs too!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

a knitter's christmas

It was a merry christmas indeed. I got some wonderful gifts, yummy candles, some new clothes, kitchen gadgets I wanted desperately and a cappuccino maker.

Two lovely friends gave me this book and I can't decide which project to begin with. There is a beautiful shawl that is based from a heaxagon that looks like it will be up first (8 balls of kid silk haze yikes!)
I got this wonderful kit from Unique Kolors by Colinette (mine is in shades of purple) that I had eyed since wearing the store model and not wanting to take it off.
And the yarn for this great bag (actually cash from Mom bought this goody bag!) I can't wait for the finshed project.
Knitting news is still more socks, vagabond poncho in manos, almost finshed the beautiful shawl in the last post.

The holiday weekend was so busy, I have finshed my PhD applications so everyone keep their fingers crossed for a letter from Johns Hokins in the new year. Big things at work, my first project begins next week. The family was over on christmas eve, close to 30 people but it was fun. I'll try to get pictures up this weekend.

Of course the dogs had to create chaos. 2 hours before people arrive Raz decides to eat half a pound of hershey kisses, with the wrapper! After an upset belly and about 2 gallons of water she was back to herself, I was pretty lucky.

Hope everyone's holidays went well and have a safe new year celebration!


  • At 28/12/06, Blogger Shelley L. MacKenzie said…

    Sounds like you got a lot of wonderful things! Can't wait to see the projects you make and are in the process of making!

  • At 29/12/06, Blogger Melissa said…

    What a haul!!
    Did you take the dog to the vet? Not to scare you or anything, but in my toxicology classes we studied how dogs lack an enzyme in the liver (I think it was an enzyme....) which processes chocolate. Therefore, if they eat chocolate, the toxins can build up in the liver. If it really was 1/2 pound of chocolate, I'd call the vet just to double check if you haven't already. Although, I hope it's nothing at all!!
    Good luck with the PhD. I hope you get a letter soon.


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