Finally, my stats course is finished, completed nicely with a B as the final grade. A major accomplishment for me. And my fair isle is done. A picture to follow later. I'm still working on the Devon vest with fair isle but it's giving me fits so I've put it away for now. Hopefully with the next week a break from grad school I can blow through some serious projects. Next quarter is research design and group dynamics so I don't know how much free time I'll have. On top of that I'm back to the gym to shed the pounds gained since I've been non smoking for
8 MONTHS. Congrats to me.
A nice side bar, my neighbor (townhouse) has gotten 2 bassett hounds, cute as can be, but they are out ide all of the time and bark all of the time. It's driving me crazy. Of course I can't stop complaining and everyone says I should say something but it's kind of uncomofortbale to say hey your dogs are annoying me. Esp. when I might get the same words back about mine. Anyway just wanted to bitch some more about the musical bassetts.