I suppose you all figured that Dazzle was doing better and yes that's kind of true. Her IBD/colitis has been stable since the new drugs and new food. But we now have new problem. She went to the vet's Friday for what looked like a hot spot. It turns out it is either a fungal infection or staph infection. So now she is on antibiotics, anti-fungal ointment, and shampoo. Poor thing she can never catch a break. The worse part is that she and Raz have to be separated until we find out if it is contagious.
In knitting news I have statred another project. This is my Grey's KAL project, yes I cheated and started early. I have never seen the show before so I spent Sunday watching the entire first season. So I figured the best plan of action was to go ahead and start the project. It is a open, lace work, pullover with a peplum and bell sleeves from Vogue Fall 2005 issue. I'm working it up in Alpaca Regal in a ruby red. Those interested check out the
KAL blog for updates. I'm still waiting for the Harding yarn for the cable sweater and of course I still have socks going. My aunt's afghan is almost finished, only 3 more blocks to go.